Category: Globeat Radio (Page 6 of 37)

GloBeat Valentine 2023

I wish you all a Happy Valentine Day! Enjoy love songs by: #ChetBaker




#GimnazijaKranjSymphonyOrchestra and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat African Cool Rebroadcast

n celebration of Black History Month a compilation of some great African arists.

Music by #VieuxFarkaToure#GeoffreyOryema#EneidaMarta#SalifKeita



#TheodrosMitiku and more

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Homage to Garcia Lorca

Federico Garcia Lorca is well known as a poet and playwright, but he was also an accomplished pianist and musicologist, at a certain point he collaborated with Manuel de Falla in researching traditional flamenco music. In this episode we explore some of Garcia Lorca fantastic work. Enjoy music by #FedericoGarciaLorca#RicardoModrego#PacoDeLucía#LaArgentinita




and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Best of 2022

New episode GloBeat Best of 2022 From some of the most popular episodes iof 2022. En joy music by #CandyDulfer#DavidStewart#JacquesBrel



#SalvatoreMacheda#SoledadBravo#CloZee and more.

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Seventh Anniversary

Celebrating GloBeat seventh anniversary. I am most grateful to listeners, followers and those who have consistently supported this program. Enjoy music by #CarlosBonell#SonaJobarte#IbrahimFerrer#АннаГерман



#OanaCatalinaChitu#JohnHendrick#MarekWeberOrchestra and more.

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Party New Year ’23

I wish you all a Happy New Year full of magical experiences and wonderful encounters. A modest compilation of tracks to dance the night away. Enjoy and dance to music by #LeslieGrace#CarlosVives#InGrid#MarvinGaye



#TheVocalMasters#EduardDeleu#CesariaEvora and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Christmas World Music

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas! A compilation of Christmas carols from around the world. Enjoy music by #JivanGasparyanJr #ValentinaFélix
and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Celebrates Hanukkah

Enjoy music by #CantorShellaNesis#EyalGolan#Talila

#HerbertPagani#SoledadBravo#ConsueloLuz, #OlgaAvigail


#LosPaşarosSefaradis and more

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat December ’22 Mix

New GloBeat December ’22 Mix. Enjoy music by #EleniKaraindrou  #AinarsMielavs  #CheikhLô #StošićStaniša  #MichelRivard  #HirokuKimura 

#GalCosta  #OdilónJuárez  #SavinaYannatou  #CarlosAlbertoMoniz

#MichelleGurevich  #XuYuiTeng  #OanaCatalinaChitu  #OkeanElzy

#HarisAlexiou  #SaraCorreia   #AminaAlaoui     and more

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Plays Neo Tango

New GloBeat episode a compilation of Neo Tangos.  Dance to the music of #ElectroDubTango   #Bassa  #OtrosAires  #Supertangox  #AdrianaVarela

#DelfinaCheb  #Tanghetto  #GotanProject  #Supervielle  #LeGriser

#CarlosLibedinsky  #RyotaKomatsu  and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

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