Category: Globeat Radio (Page 5 of 37)

GloBeat Korean Music

GloBeat Korean Music. Enjoy music by #Prelude#Coreyah#SINNOI


#JAMBINAI#LeeHeemoon#YounSunNah and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat May ’23 Mix

New GloBeat May ’23 Mix A compilation of #music from past #Eurovision Song Contests. With #UrbanSymphony#AlexanderRybak#MarijaŠerifović, #SalvadorSobral#ABBA, #SecretGarden#HariMataHari#MarieMyria



and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Turkish Music

This week episode GloBeat Turkish Music. Enjoy #music by




#AylinAslım#BarışManço#KurtalanEkspres#SertabErener and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Japanese Film & Media Composers

In memory of the great Japanese composer Ryuichi Sakamoto, who recently passed away, a compilation of his music and other Japanese film and media composers. Enjoy #music by #DirkBrossé #BrusselsPhilharmonic

#DavidByrne #KenichiroSuehiro #JoeHisaishi #KenjiKawai #YokoKanno

#ShigeruUmebayashi #TaroIwashiro #KaoruWada #ShiruSagisu

#TakeshiFurukawa and more.

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat April ’23 MIx

New GloBeat April ’23 Mix Music by #FanicaLuca#MARO#KhadjaNin




#MariaDeBarros#PeteAlderton#OmaraPortuondo and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Tribute to Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou

Born in 1923, the great Ethiopian nun and composer Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou, died in March 2023 in a convent in Jerusalem. This episode contains

music played by #EmahoyTseguéMaryamGuèbrou


#ThomasFeng#MariaThompsonCorley and #MonicaChew

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Music by Polish Artists

Enjoy music by some great Polish artists like #FredericChopin#GrzegorzTurnau#SławaPrzybylska




#DawnUpshaw#VladimirAshkenazy#NorberHorowitzt#RochelleHorowitz and more

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat March ’23 Mix

New episode GloBeat March ’23 Mix. Enjoy music by #Quintango




#RadioTarifa#LệQuyên and more.


Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Plays Sevdalinka

Enjoy #music by



#HimzoPolovina#NedžadSalković and more

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Good Old Blues

A new episode GloBeat Good Old Blues.

Enjoy music by #JohnLeeHooker#EttaJames#BBKing




and more

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 7pm and Saturdays at 10am ET If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND. All episodes are archived in

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