Category: Globeat Radio (Page 13 of 37)

GloBeat January ’21 Mix

A compilation of some new discoveries from Corsica, Afghanistan, California and old favorites

Enjoy the music of #NancyVieira #JagitSing #MarcelKhalife #ManoellaTorres #Pomplamoose #JeanPaulPoletti #9Bach #LoJo #RazniIzvajalci #GigiFinizio #Rupa #TheAprilFishes #DJDisse #BatinoAbager #LavrentisMahairitsas #BarcelonaGipsyBalkanOrchestra and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Tribute to Alain Oulman

If you like Fados then you will enjoy discovering the great Portuguese composer #AlainOulman and the Fados he composed for the legendary Amália Rodrigues Rediscover #Fado at it’s best, being interpreted by #AmáliaRodrigues #CarlosDoCarmo #Bévinda #Camané #Mariza #PedroMoutinho #MayraAndrade #CristinaBranco #CaetanoVeloso #Misia #RicardoRibeiro #DulcePontes #SusanPalmaNidel and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Most Played in 2020

This week episode is a compilation of tracks from some GloBeat episodes which where most listened to in 2020

Enjoy the music of #MahaliaJackson #IbrahimFerrer #HughMasakela
#GalinaVelikanova #PeppinoGagliardi #LuizBonfa #JorgeFerreira #MakiAsakawa
#MontanaYoung #FaridIskandar #LuzCasal #JacqueBrel #CristinaBranco
#NestorGabric #VioletaParra #AstorPiazzolla and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Happy New Year ’21

Wish all GloBeat listeners and followers a Happy New Year, full of wonder, good health and love.

Dance to the music of #Ingrid #TeofiloChantre #MasterKG #Nomcebo #Kristo #NataliaLafourcade #BuckwheatZydeco #LeslieGrace #PaulAnka #Christophe #MariaDeBarros #GloriaGaynor #FrenchLatino #Canela #Son #CesariaEvora #BryanFerry #AustinCityLimits #DaveDario #KreolJazz and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Christmas Music


Listen to #IsabelPantoja#CharlesAznavour#IvanRebroff#YounSunNah#Fairuz



#BelCantoChoir#ConcordNkabinde#NataleItalianMandolinDuo and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat 5th Anniversary

Dear friends and followers, this month GloBeat and WERA 96.7 FM are celebrating their 5th anniversary This week’s episode is a compilation of some tracks from the most popular episodes. Enjoy listening again to #CesariaEvora #CharlesAznavour #SouadMassi #TarafDeHaidouks #YasminLevy #GeorgesMoustaki #IvaZanicchi #HabibKoite #ChavaAlberstein #CarlosVives #AmiraMedunjanin #TishHinojosa #PyotrLeshenko #TremaineHawkins #IbrahimFerrer #Bamada #TheKlezmatics #BuenaVistaSocialClub and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Explores K-Music

Beyond the saccharine artificiality of K-Pop music, there is a new generation
of great Korean artists making fantastic music.
This week enjoy unique Korean Jazz, Folk Music, Rock, and Fusion at their best.
Discover talented artists like #Coreyah #Prelude #SInnoi #BlakString
#YoonSunNa #Jambinai #HeemonLee #GonneChoi #KimSooYoung
#DongYangGojupa and enjoy unique #KMusic

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Carlos Gueron Mix

This week’s episode “GloBeat Carlos Gueron Mix” is a compilation of track’s from #CarlosGueron cassettes he recorded in the early 70’s.

Rediscover the music of #IntiIllamani#VioletaParra#ChavelaVargas#AtahualpaYupanqui#SoledadBravo



#AmambayCardozoOcampo and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Novembetr ’20 Mix

The playlist has a great new Fado singer, and music from Galicia,  Spain, Japan, France, Senegal, Greece, Italy, Russia, and Switzerland.

Enjoy music by #VeladaProject #Uxia #KatiaGuerreiro #Dalida #PeppinoGagliardi#XabierLete #AnnaGerman #MennellIbtissem #KeiOgura #DimitraGalani #RodrigoCostaFelix#LeoFèrré #YlianCañizares #IsmaêlLô #Ishtar #CatherineLara and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

GloBeat Discovering Eugen Doga

Discover one of the most romantic film music composers of our era, Eugen Doga. 

Enjoy music by #EugenDoga #SofiaRotaru #PaulaSeling #VladBacin
#MarianaBulicano #VirginiaSircu #VitalieAdvahov #SergeiSkripka
#DimitruCârciumaru #RussianStateSymphonyOrchestraOfCinematography
#SymphonyOrchestraOfTheNationalStateTeleradiocompanyOfTheRepublicOfBelarus and more!

Please note Arlington community radio station WERA 96.7 FM broadcasts GloBeat every Thursday at 6pm and Sundays at 10am ET
If you are outside of the Arlington broadcast footprint you can stream the program by linking to
or you can listen anytime to any recent WERA programs you may have missed by linking to  ON-DEMAND.
All episodes are archived in

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